Skyrim full ebony armor
Skyrim full ebony armor

That said, Daedric and Ebony are very close to each other.

skyrim full ebony armor

Assuming you've reached the maximum 100 in Smithing, wearing clothing or gear enchanted with Fortify Smithing and drinking Fortify Smithing potions, you can raise your smithing skill beyond 100, which allows you to improve lower level armors that benefit from specific smithing perks, such as Elven and Dwarven, to give you the requisite 567 armor rating. With the exception of fur, hide, studded, leather, and iron, which the UESP informs us do not benefit from any smithing per and therfore cannot be improved as much as the other armor types, any light or heavy armor can be improved to hit the armor cap. The benefits of the type of armor you choose depend mostly on the perks you choose in the skill trees Heavy reflects damage and assumes you take the hit, Light allows you to evade damage. You may notice, for instance, if you've put the points in Heavy armor, Light armor appears ridiculously inadequate, and provides almost no protection compared to the Heavy set you're used to, but the reverse is true as well put points in Light armor, and Heavy armor provides LESS protection.

skyrim full ebony armor

Armor can only negate a maximum of 80% of the incoming damage, and you reach that cap at 567, regardless of whether it's rated Heavy or Light, though you will have to put perk points in either type to increase the relevent armor rating.

skyrim full ebony armor

The type of armor you wear actually doesn't matter if you can get your armor rating past 567.

Skyrim full ebony armor